"Beautiful young women are among the greatest inspirations that the universe gives us artists. And no matter whether we paint them, write about them, make films with them, or photograph them - it is always our attempt to transport the fascination of these enchanting and enigmatic creatures somehow into our work and let it live on there. A beautiful task. Because for me, the girl is already the perfect work of art, and it is exactly this fascination that she exerts on me that I want to transfer into the picture: I want her pure, and just as unique as she is in normal life. In the end, I´m happy if the watcher forgets that there was a photographer involved, just as we forget in a good film that it is a film. If I can achieve this, I have done everything right.
I wish you a nice and inspiring time here on girls-mag. And I am glad about a feedback, no matter if praise or constructive criticism."
Val Mont, founder and maker of girls magazine