What do you do with all the beautiful new summer clothes when it's still cold and wet outside? Right, you put them on in front of the mirror, and yet the summer vacation feelings are there! :)
Summer Preview 09 VIP
We agree that the red bikini top needs to be changed, and next we take a look at the classically cut but very skimpy gray-blue one...
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Summer Preview 08 VIP
Annika has her difficulties with the red bikini: the top is too cheeky for outside and the panties don't fit properly too...
Summer Preview 07 VIP dance-2
Short oops moment while changing, and then the mini skirt as a cheeky top - especially when twisting...
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Summer Preview 06 VIP dance-1
Large set with a little naughty dance sequence in the short blue skirt...
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Summer Preview 05 VIP
The Stars&Stripes top could also go well with the mini. OK, we'll find out!
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Summer Preview 04 VIP
The dark blue mini is quite short for window shopping, but it's fine for the beach....
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Summer Preview 03 VIP
...and at dinner in the tavern, the sleeve top is certainly the better choice when the fresh breeze comes from the sea...
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Summer Preview 02 VIP
Comfortable bright shorts are certainly perfect for a little exploration tour in the cliffs....
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Summer Preview 01 VIP
Clean the mirror and you're ready to go: the start is made by the beautiful yellow beach skirt and the short white top...
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