At first glance the classic blonde with everything that makes men's hearts beat faster - and at second glance a very mature young personality with a warm, deep soul: Welcome Lara!

Lara´s latest picture sets

Late Winter Stroll vip
Black overknees, mini skirt, and a bright red jumper under her blonde walle hair - On the way with Lara...
104 images

Mallorca - Cap de ses Salines 02 VIP
Lara has been swimming here since she was a child, so she knows exactly how to get in and out of the water in this not so safe place....
Large 120 pics set

Mallorca - Cap de ses Salines 01 VIP
Here there is a lonely old ramp for boats, and you can change in peace for a little swim....
96 images

The Black Swimsuit 03 vip
It's already a bit fresh in the autumnal river, but suddenly the sun breaks through the clouds and warms Lara with a dreamlike golden light...
90 images

Black & Yellow full vip
Who already has the set 01, and buys the cheaper full set instead of the two single ones, gets another set of his choice for free. Email is enough!
212 images

Black & Yellow 01 vip
It was a cold spring. Lara enjoys the first warm days of May at the lake.
107 images

The Black Swimsuit 02 vip
On warm days there are a lot of people sunbathing here - that's why Lara is the only one in a swimming costume on this cool day: nice for the mood of the pictures.
90 images

The Black Swimsuit 01 vip
Lara is looking for some nice round pebbles in the fresh water of the Isar river...
91 images

Ibiza Dress 02 vip
Dreamy-sensual portraits at the river, and a little rest at the stone stairs...
98 images

Ibiza Dress 01 vip
To photograph a short beach dress without beach? Then the densely overgrown Park of the Museum Island in the middle of Munich would be the perfect place, with its romantic light...
95 images