About Girls-Magazine

The Project

Girls-Mag is a project of munich photographer Val Mont. With his downloadable picture sets and videos from the shoots with his girls he provides an insight into his artistic work, in which naturalness and authenticity are paramount. By now, not only admirers of aesthetic girl photography, but also many amateur and professional photographers take advantage of his service for their inspiration. Girls-Mag provides the entire range of Val Mont´s work: from natural portraits to erotic scenes.

The Girls

With a few exceptions, Val Mont´s models are newbies, and for most of them the photoshoot is their first work with a pro. In contrast with many other photographers Val Mont offers the girls a large personal margin to bring their ideas and very own magic into the pictures. This explains the warm, peaceful and therefore sensual atmosphere of his captures.


Security and legal notice

Girls-Magazine is running on secure and encrypted ssl-certificated connections. So from the first click when logging in until purchasing and downloading the sets your data is protected. The picture sets and videos are showing solely artistic captures of sensual sceneries and no x-rated footage. Therefore downloading and owning this content is unrestrictedly legal. For this Val Mont stands with his name.


Legal notice concerning the age of the models

Pictures or videos with sensual or erotic content were solely taken with models that were at least 18 years or older. The download of Val Mont´s pictures and videos is legal in any case.


Legal notice concerning the downloads

With a download - no matter if fee-based or gratis - you purchase the right to watch the pictures and videos on your pc (private use). Please note that you don´t purchase any right to use the pictures outside of your pc. That means that you DON´T purchase the right to broadcast them, to share them, to use them commercially, to edit them, or use them in another work. If you are interested in commercial use please contact Val Mont via the contact form.

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